2024 Fredrikstad
Her finner du all informasjon om helgen i Fredrikstad.
Årets Staffehelg 15 og 16 juni 2024 - påmelding er åpnet
2 x Rasespesial med nasjonalt CERT
Dato: 15. & 16, juni 2024
Dommere: Lee Rhodes, Jackie Smart, Karon Jackson, Tony Pritchard
Sted: Aktivitetsbyen, Fredrikstad
Påmeldingsfrist: 20.05.23 / Utsatt 27.05.24
Påmelding via NKK: https://www.nkk.no/terminliste-utstilling/category860.html
OBS: Husk og melde på til begge dager
Se mer informasjon og bilder fra arrangmenetet på Rasegruppens facebook sider og i selve facebook arrangement her: https://fb.me/e/vFJAhuJ9R
Helgens sammenlagt vinner med den uoffisielle tittelen:
Norsk Vikingvinner 2024:
Nightstaff's Unspoken
Rasespesial Lørdag 15.06.24
Hovesponsor: Natural Greatness fra www.arcticpets.no
Best in Show: Goldstaff's What a View
res. BIS CKstaff Back in Style Goldstaff
Best in Show Baby: Superpaw's Mixedtape
res. BIS Baby: Norwegian Diamond's Unbeatable
Best in Show Valp: Norwegian Diamond's Supreme Bitch
res. BIS Valp: Goldstaff's Xpected Goals
Best in Show Junior: Superpaw's The Dark Arts
res. BIS Junior: Te Ora Magic Secretariat
Best in Show Unghund: Goldstaff's What a View
res. BIS Unghund Goldstaff's Watch and Learn
Best in Show Veteran: CKstaff's Adventure Made Sunshine
res. BIS Veteran: Goldstaff's Checkpoint
Helgens eldste Staff: Impressive Staff's Abby
Best in Show Oppdretter: Astropika
BIS 2 Oppdretter: CKstaff
BIS 3 Oppdretter: Stavenstaff
BIS 4 Oppdretter: Goldstaff
Best in Show Avlsklasse: Stavenstaff's The Reaper
BIS 2 Avlsklasse: Magneticstaff's Retaliation
BIS 3 Avlsklasse: Rossobull Back in Black
Beste Par: Superpaw's Doggiedude & Superpaw's I Want Sprinkles
Beste Hode hannhund: Secret Star Playing With Fire
Beste Hode Tispe: Superpaw's The Dark Arts
Beste Bevegelser: Mirenzo's A Beautiful Mind
1. Northbound Makes You Go WOW
2. Stavenstaff's Hotter than Hell
3. Helgafell Pyroraptor
4. Rascalstaff Demiguise
Godt & Blandet:
1. SuperPaw's Tiny Tiny Wildebeest
2. Izzari Perfect Touch Mino
3. Raystaff's Flexor
4. Stavenstaff's Vanquisher
Årets Brains & Beauty: Northbound Makes You Go WOW
2. Brains & Beauty: Rascalstaff Demiguise
3. Brains & Beauty: Helgafell Pyroraptor
Rasespesial Søndag 16.06.25
Hovedsponsor Farmina - Farmina.com
Best in Show: Nightstaff Unspoken
res. BIS: Mirenzo's A Beautiful Mind
BIS Baby: Stavenstaff's La Miracle
res. BIS Baby: Beautystaff's Eyecatching & Handsome
Best in Show Valp: Goldstaff's Xpected Goals
res. BIS Valp: Norwegian Diamond's Supreme Bitch
Best in Show Junior: Nigthstaff's Wait for It
Res. BIS Junior: Superpaw's The Dark Arts
Best in Show Unghund: Goldstaff's What a View
res. BIS Unghund: Astropika's Oathbreaker
Best in Show Veteran: CKstaff's Adventure Made Sunshine
res. BIS Veteran: Goldstaff's Checkpoint
Best in Show Oppdretter: Astropika
BIS 2 Oppdretter: CKstaff
BIS 3 Oppdretter: Stavenstaff
Best in Show Avlsklasse: Raystaff's Areola
Norsk Vikingvinner 2024:
Nightstaff's Unspoken
(titler er utelatt med hensikt pga mengde tekst og fulle titler kan søkes opp via Dogweb.no)
TIlbakemelding fra Dommer Lee Rhodes (Teracota):
Norwegian Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club.
15-16 June 2024.
I had a most enjoyable weekend with the Norwegian SBTC, whilst not having to much judging to do on the first day, it was pleasing to see one of my winners do so well at the end of the day.
Attending that night’s bar- b - que , the hospitality shown to me was exceptional. It also gave me a good insight into the club’s workings, when having conversations with committee & club members, listening to their ideas & thoughts on the future of the breed in Norway, it was satisfying to come to the conclusion, the breed & the clubs future is in safe hands, which is evident in the smooth running of both days shows. The venue for the shows is first class & a very nice place to judge. On the second day I was pleasantly surprised as there were some high quality SBT on view, which was very pleasurable for me to be able to assess. I was pleased with my main winners, although I did note there were a few mouth faults and while not being enough to be a major concern, it may be wise to address this when choosing to breed. I would advise to trim tails before exhibiting & maybe putting in a little extra ringcraft training to get the best out of your dog. Baiting with treats caused some problems when trying to examine some dogs, also causing some to hackney when on the move.
As an overview, I thought both days were a huge success, with the combination of committee, exhibitors, dogs & venue creating a quality event. While I don’t like to mention anyone in particular, every Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club should have an Ingrid, but in saying that, everyone at the Norwegian SBTC should congratulate themselves for putting on two first class events.
Great people, Great dogs, Great time.
Lee Rhodes.
Tilbakemelding fra Dommer Tony Pritchard (Anthian)
Norway 2024
I had a lovley experience judging in Norway at your Club, this is only the 2nd time i have judged under these rules which i found daunting.
Your show set up is great and at least the weather held for you just one rain shower.
I found doing baby puppies a little harsh as so much can change with them within a few months,i tried to be kind and gentle with them as not to put them off as they are so young, over all you have some nice promising youngsters so hopefully your future is bright.
Bitches in general were of a good quality and standard , some variance in type but thats to be expected....for me the off putting thing are treats,not so much in getting the dogs attention and getting the best out them its when you are trying to assess heads ,bites etc they are to focused on the treat ( but thats me) again on the move treat can spoil a dogs movement (l.e fronts Hackneying) last grip are tails could do with trimming as this can spoil the outline.
But on a positive note from what i saw you have some nice quality animals of differing styles and there is room for them all , this to me is what makes the breed so interesting.
I wish you all the best for the future thank you for inviting me.
Tony Pritchard (ANTHIAN)
Tilbakemelding fra Dommer Jackie Smart (Arnhem)
I would like to thank everybody who was part of the show that I was lucky enough to judge at in Norway. I had a brilliant time and so did my co judges. On the whole I found the dogs to be pretty good, temperament was spot on and condition did not leave anything to be desired in most cases. It is my opinion that the training using bait is perhaps a bit overdone, the dog gets so obsessed by the food that it is not doing his/her chances any favours. On the whole I think the breed is in good hands and the future looks bright in Norway. i was really impressed with the variety of colours that was on show especially the beautiful brindles that are so lacking in the UK.
My thanks to you all.
Jackie Smart (ARNHEM)
Tilbakemelding fra Dommer Karon Jackson (Jackabyte)
After being collected promptly at the Airport by Ingrid we were then taken to our accommodation which was brilliant! Stocked with plenty of food etc and a roomy cabin which was very clean and comfortable. Great site and facilities and an excellent venue to hold the shows, which were a pleasure to Judge.
I had a very enjoyable weekend with the Norwegian SBTC together with exhibitors and spectators. The warm welcome and excellent hospitality was second to none. The organisation of the two days of shows was again top notch – nothing was too much trouble – and anything we asked for we got. The rings were of good size on short grass which gave a good platform for exhibits to look their best and their handlers to show off the good feet which most dogs seemed to have.
The first day was my biggest day as far as Judging was concerned; the second day for me involved the puppies and wow there were some real little show stoppers even though it was hard to assess some, I feel there is much promise from some of the puppies. Judging the adult bitches, there were indeed a good amount of quality animals for me to go over and It was pleasing to be able to assess so many with a very promising future and ones who had already achieved a high status. Different ‘types’ came to exhibit but as a Judge you have to ‘appreciate’ all as they all bring something to the table as far as the breed is concerned. Quality is quality in whatever preference one has, but it should always be recognised even if it doesn’t fit your own ‘personal’ preference. I only noticed a few mouth faults and a couple where the bite could be ‘cleaner’ and not so tight. On the whole movement was ok, although some looked worse than others when they produced ‘hackey’ movement from looking up for bait/treats – even though they were constructed well, the constant searching for treats interfered with their movement and didn’t give a good impression. My advice would be to bait/treat less and many exhibits were driven by this – from a Judges point of view it as very difficult to examine heads and mouths when the bait is constantly being offered. Coats were of good condition and quality – short, smooth and close just how they should be. Tails on the other hand needed to be trimmed, if only to enhance the finish of the dog being exhibited. Overall, I found the quality to be very good and the breed is obviously looked after well by those who seek to keep the breed what it is and should be – a balanced dog of great strength for size, muscular, active and agile with courage, intelligence and reliability.
Thank you to all who bought their exhibits for my opinion. The shows on both days were a huge success and the hard working Committee as well as the exhibitors, dogs, spectators and the fabulous venue made it a weekend I will remember with pleasure.
I have to mention and thank Ingrid and Camilla who are both absolute diamonds; and I have to finish by mentioning the waffles lol…. Wow how lovely were they!!
Thank you and best wishes to you all
Karon Jackson (Jackabyte/UK)
Invitasjon til utstilling
Lørdag 15.06 vil du finne flere utradisjonelle klasser å vise frem hunden i, og som ifjor finner man klassen "Godt & Blandet" hvor hunder som av ulike årsaker ikke kan stilles i ordinære ekseriørklasser, kan delta. Denne klassen er for alle aldre og begge kjønn. Rasegruppen kårer også tittelen "Brains & Beauty 2024" for de hunder som er aktive i bruksgrener og i tillegg stiller i "bruksklasse" Lørdagen.
Lørdags kvelden vil vi samle alle for en felles sammenkomst og mer informasjon om middag kommer litt nærmere.
På søndagen er det runde 2 med eksteriørutstilling og vi avslutter helgen med å kåre en sammenlagt "Vikingvinner 2024" som ved å delta på utstilling begge dager konkurrerer om denne uoffisielle tittelen.
Du finner mer på facebook arrangementet, den siden finner du her.
Påmelding via nkk.no, under "offisielle utstillinger". OBS: UTSTILLING BEGGE DAGER
Ved spørsmål; ta kontakt med styret på epost: staffordshirebull@norskterrierklub.no
Rasegruppen har reservert hytter og motellrom ved siden av utstillingsområdet.
Disse kan utstillere booke ved direkte henvendelse til Aktivitetsbyen på epost: resepsjon@aktivitetsbyen.no fra og med 04.03.24
Ved bestilling må bookingkode "SBT RG " oppgies.
Rasegruppen er ikke økonmisk tilknyttet bookingen og man er selv ansvarlig for reservasjonen og evt avbestillingfrister og kostnader.
Det er også camping- og teltplasser tilgjengelig. Overnatting er kun reservert til 01.05.24
Booking of cabins and motel rooms can from Match 4th 2024 be directed to Aktivitetsbyen's email adress resepsjon@aktivitetsbyen.no with the booking code "SBT RG"
Aktivitetsbyen i Fredrikstad:
Sponsorer: Vi har hatt flere sponsorer denne helgen, og vi takker alle for premiespons, Nextmune, Godbiten.no, Paghanini, Natural Greatness (hovesponsor Lørdag), Farmina (hovesponsor Søndag), Karlsens Bollebonanza, Cheeky Paw's Hobby, Beautystaff Design, Diva Design Trondheim, Kennel Goldstaff, Kennel Wipeoff & Kennel Stavenstaff.
Rosett og Pokal spons ser du på denne listen: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XwP26v_lx5PKg50adXiq6R1-WRMtieY0l4qo_Ex7_1A/edit?usp=sharing

(+47) 97 47 49 44