2024 Vestkystvinner
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Vestkystvinner 2024
Dato: 25.05.23
Dommer: Helen Wall (Goldwyn
Sted: Myrbø Dyresenter, Bergen
Resultater: https://www.dogweb.no/utstilling-resultatvisning/utstilling/240260/search?raid=563
BIS: jWW-23 Daintydiamond's Certified Lover Boy
res.BIS: Goldstaff's What A View
BHK 1: jWW-23 Daintydiamond's Certified Lover Boy
BHK 2: Goldstaff's Watch n' Learn
BHK 3: NJr CH N UCH SuperPaw's DoggieDude
BHK 4: N SE DK UCH CKstaff's Back In Style Goldstaff
BTK 1: Goldstaff's What A View
BTK 2: SuperPaw's The Dark Arts
BTK 3: Mirenzo's A Beautiful Mind
BTK 4: GB N SE DK UCH NV-21 NVet CH NVV-23 NORDVV-23 KBHVV-23 DVV-23 DKVECH CKstaff's Adventure Made Sunshine
Beste par: NJr CH N UCH Superpaw's DoggieDude og N UCH Superpaw's I Want Sprinkles
Beste hode hannhund: jWW-23 Daintydiamond's Certified Lover Boy
Beste hode tispe: Superpaw's The Dark Arts
Beste bevegelser: Nightstaffs U See Me Now
BIS oppdretter: Kennel Goldstaff
BIS 2 oppdretter: Kennel Daintydiamond
BIS 3 oppdretter: Kennel Astropika
BIS 4 oppdretter: Kennel Superpaw
BIS baby: WestPaw Amazing Aladdin
res.BIS baby: WestPaw Always A Cinderella
BIS valp: CKstaff's Flash Of Sunshine
res.BIS valp: CKstaff's Face Of Style
BIS junior: Goldstaff's What A View
res.BIS junior: Goldstaff's Watch n' Learn
BIS unghund: jWW-23 Daintydiamond's Certified Lover Boy
res.BIS unghund: Stavenstaff's Dark Hope
BIS veteran: GB N SE DK UCH NV-21 NVet CH NVV-23 NORDVV-23 KBHVV-23 DVV-23 DKVECH CKstaff's Adventure Made Sunshine
res.BIS veteran: C.I.B. N SE DK NL UCH Goldstaff's Checkpoint
Se oppdatert informasjon i vårt facebook arrangement her: https://fb.me/e/6zEC7cQVV
Rosett og Pokal spons ser du på denne listen: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XwP26v_lx5PKg50adXiq6R1-WRMtieY0l4qo_Ex7_1A/edit?usp=sharing
I was born into Staffords in 1975, and I started showing at the early age of eight, handling some of my fathers dogs which included Ch Goldwyn Leading star and her daughter Ch Goldwyn Lucky Star. I competed at child handling up until the age of 16, and then joined my mother Sheila and father Peter in a joint owner partnership with our breeding. I have been campaigned our dogs up until present day, gaining 5 more UK Champions totalling up to 7, between us we have owned and breed 17 Generations of the Goldwyn line. I am currently campaigning our latest Champion Goldwyn She’s The One who gained her Championship status at just 16 months of age and won Stafford of the year 2023.
My judging career started in 1997 some 27 years ago, judging 6 UK Championships shows and 12 overseas Championships shows and this will be my 13th.

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