Open Show 2017
Mary Coble -Hanner & valper
Harry Coble - Tisper
Kennel Surestaff
Påmeldte: 45 hanner, 76 tisper og 35 valper
Best In Show valp: Goldstaff's In It To Win IT
Res. Best In Show VALP: Ramblestaff Joshamee Gibbs
Best In Show Veteran: Dalstaff's Chimerageist
RES. Best In Show Veteran: Metal Staff Blackeyed
4-6 måneder hannhund valp:
1. Mafia Royal Flush Top Banana
2. Bullbraatens High Roller
3. Dalstaff’s Zentaro Watanabe
4. Superpaws Make A Move
6-9 måneder hannhund valp:
1. Ramblestaff Joshamee Gibbs
2. Catstaff’s Beauty Behind Themadness
3. Mirenzo’s Pepsi Max
4. Krissvel’s Åge Bergthor
5. Miraristaff Reloaded
Beste hannhund valp: Ramblestaff Joshamee Gibbs
2.Beste hannhund valp: Mafia Royal Flush Top Banana
4-6 måneder tispe valp:
1. Goldstaff’s In It To Win It
2. Dalstaff’s Zendaya Shake It Up
3. Goldstaff’s I Am Out Of Your Leauge
4. Nightstaff I’m Designed
5. Superpaws Game Changer
6-9 måneder tispe valp:
1. Jahvestaff’s Karakorum
2. Celunas On Time In Full
3. Dalstaff’s Xtra Special
4. Cederstaffs Kalita The Smallest One
5. Astropika’s Blood Of My Blood
Beste tispe valp: Goldstaff’s In It To Win It
2.Beste tispe valp: Jahvestaff’s Karakorum
Juniorklasse hannhund:
1. Catstaff’s Firefly
2. Bravestaff’s Forget Me Not
3. Catstaff’s Bloodstream
4. Raystaff’s Bring Me The Horizon
5. Mirenzo’s Nikki Sixx
Juniorklasse tispe:
1. Zicostaffs Devil Inside The Star
2. The Triumph Of Justice Future
3. Caliberstaffs Body Shot
4. Paxamores Alice In Wonderland
5. Paxamores Baghera
Unghundklasse hannhund:
1. Samross Dream Addition
2. Raystaff’s Acromion
3. Bullbraatens Goodwood
4. Aalbulls Winter Is Coming
5. Catstaff’s I Got U
Unghundklasse tispe:
1. Samross Dream The One
2. Raystaff’s Areola
3. Jahvestaffs Impala
4. Jahvestaffs Incredible Me
5. Raystaff’s Arachnoidea
Åpenklasse hannhund:
1. Raystaff’s Azygos
2. Joddricks Full House
3. Jahvestaff’s Bazinga
4. Joddricks Qubic Going Strong
5. Tranrikets Cayenne
Åpenklasse tispe:
1. Beautystaff’s Damn Good Looking
2. Stavenstaff’s Hazel Eyes
3. Aalbulls Sigyn
4. Celunas Little Miss Muffet
5. Staffville’s Drama Queen
Championklasse hannhund:
1. Beautystaff’s Dark And Handsome
2. Staffgold Search And Discover
3. Goldstaff’s Crack The Code
4. Lovestaff’s Bold & Beautiful
5. Goldstaff’s Checkpoint
Championklasse tispe:
1. Beautystaff’s Dark Perfiction
2. Astropika’s Adore-a-ball Nugget
3. Ckstaff’s Adventure Made Sunshine
4. Celunas Jolly Molly
5. Canestellas Diamonds Are Forever
Veteranklasse hannhund 8-10år:
1. Metal Staff Blackeyed
2. Jahvestaffs Josva Jared
3. Weststock Bricklayers Game Lad
Veteranklasse tispe 8-10år:
1. Staffville’s Ace Of Hearts
2. Canestellas Crystal Clear Confusion
3. Bravestaff’s Star Trooper
4. Aalbulls Modesty Blaise
5. Canestellas Child Of A Tv Star
Veteranklasse hannhund over 10år:
1. Sir Odin
Veteranklasse tispe over 10år :
1. Dalstaff’s Chimerageist
2. Sunstaffs Azalea
Beste Hannhund veterean: Metal Staff Blackeyed
Beste Tispe veteran: Dalstaff’s Chimerageist
Bruks klasse hannhund:
1. Winningmood With Dalstaff
2. Jahvestaffs Daven Tyson
Bruks klasse tispe:
1. Joddricks Wild Card
2. Stavenstaff’s Calm Corona
3. Cometstaff Japanese Lantern
4. Angelanastacia
Brains & Beauty:
1. Joddricks Wild Card
2. Stavenstaff's Calm Corona
3. Cometstaff Japanese Lantern
4. Jahvestaffs Daven Tyson
5. Winningmood With Dalstaff
6. Angelanastacia
Beste hannhund klasse:
1BHK Beautystaff’s Dark And Handsome
2BHK Samross Dream Addition
3BHK Staffgold Search And Discover
4BHK Catstaff’s Firefly
5BHK Joddricks Full House
Beste tispe klasse:
1BTK Astropika’s Adore-a-ball Nugget
2BTK Beautystaff’s Dark Perfiction
3BTK Raystaff’s Areola
4BTK Beautystaff’s Damn Good Looking
5BTK The Triumph Of Justice Future
BRAINS AND BEAUTY: Joddricks Wild Card
BIS HODE: Beautystaff’s Dark And Handsome
ResBIS HODE: Jahvestaffs Impala
BIS BEVEGELSER: Raystaff’s Acromion
ResBIS BEVEGELSER: Raystaff’s Areola
BIS Par: Goldstaff’s Crystal Clear & Goldstaff’s Challenge The Player
BIS valp: Goldstaff’s In It To Win It
ResBIS valp: Ramblestaff Joshamee Gibbs
BIS Junior: Zicostaffs Devil Inside The Star
ResBIS Junior: Catstaff’s Firefly
BIS Veteran: Dalstaff’s Chimerageist
ResBIS Veteran: Metal Staff Blackeyed
Oppdretter klassen:
1. Goldstaff
2. Beautystaff
3. Raystaff
4. Astropika
5. Jahvestaff
Avls klasse:
1. Winningmood With Dalstaff
2. Miraristaff Espiritua Oreka
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